The Chosen Haram

The Chosen Haram tells the story of two gay men, their chance meeting through a dating app, the highs and lows of their relationship and the barriers they must overcome, both social and cultural, in seeking happiness and personal fulfilment.
[English spoken, see dutch translation below]
This unique and complex take on circus, performed on two Chinese Poles, is emotionally candid and heartwarming with moments of humour and joy. The story unfolds with gravity-defying tricks and extraordinary movement.
Personal experience
The Chosen Haram deals with themes around sexuality, chemsex, faith, addiction and connection - an exploration into the personal struggles faced by many people whose upbringing contradicts their personal truths, and how this can lead to self-destructive behaviour.
It is based on a combination of creator and performer Sadiq Ali’s personal experience, as well as interviews with members of the LGBTQ+ community who identify as (ex) Muslim.
Please note that this performance will take place at our new location De Landing:

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