Shani Bar Dimri - Going-IN workshop

Towards a residency this May at Grand Theatre Shani Bar Dimri's Going-IN workshop is back. This time with live music by Rik van den Heuvel and sharing choreographic insights from the upcoming work-in-progress, The being between vertical Ghosts.
About the practice |

Going-IN is a deliberate physical, mental and energetic action that guides my artistic practice. During this workshop we will focus on the primal and ever-changing relation between our anatomy and self-perception. By addressing the body as a landscape that needs to be re-discovered- we will be Going-IN.
We will start warming-up with slow and deep bodily work, in order to awaken the awareness of our physical structure and how it shapes our mental spaces. Gradually in individual and group work we will play with guided improvisation and composition sketches. This includes writing, scanning spatial relations and mapping our actions and desires. Those sketches will allow our bones and muscles intuitions act as storytellers. Letting those stories guide a self-discovery process, spark inspiration and sharpen our performative presence as movers, artists and humans.
About the work-in-progress |
The being between Vertical Ghosts is a dance and sound work where we seek for the poetic potential in our vertical relationship with the ground. We all fall, it can be a moment of failure or hope, a moment of danger or joy, a moment of horror or fantasy. The vertical ghosts are there in our muscle memory, in our private and collective memories. We invite them to raise their voice, do their dance and daze us.
Key words | anatomy, layers, biography, unconscious, landscape, writing, locomotion

Who is it for | dancers, artists and all moving bodies with curiosity to explore inner dialogue into creative ideas.
When | Sunday April 28th, 14h00-17h00

Price | €25
This workshop is English spoken

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