Basshaven #19

As we're nearing the end of the year, we want to make sure we go out with a bang before we start 2025 with a nice surprise (more info about that T.B.A)!
Prepare your rave shoes and mark your calendars for edition #19 at Willem Twee Poppodium. We won't spill the line up yet, but we can assure you that it will be another unique mix of locals and established names!
Make sure to attend the facebook event to stay up to date!Earplugs are available at the venue for 3€Artwork: @jeroenvosgraphics

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Grote Zaal

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Uitgaan in Willem Twee doe je bij:

v.a. €11,20

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Galaxy Disco Classics Party
Twee zalen: Disco Hits & Import
za 26 okt. - 20:00

Disco, Lekker Dansen

v.a. € 13,00

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Time to go back to the club!
za 14 dec. - 20:00

Lekker Dansen, R'n'B

v.a. € 19,08

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The House of Disco
By StarGuardz
za 30 nov. - 21:00

Disco, House

Uitgaan in Willem Twee doe je bij:

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