Danserette presenteert een nieuwe special: Pop Divas. Dat is dansen op de lekkerste hits van de grootste diva’s uit de 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s en nu. Denk aan Lady Gaga, Madonna, Dua Lipa, Kylie, Rihanna, Cher, Pink, Britney, Ariana, Jennifer, Miley, Janet, Katy, Whitney, Beyonce en noem maar op.
Met dj’sThe Queer of Pop, Mr. Danserette en DJ Carsten Klein. Kom lekker vroeg want de dansvloer is gelijk aan!
Danserette presents a new special: Pop Divas. That means dancing to the best hits of the biggest divas from the 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s and now. Think of Lady Gaga, Madonna, Dua Lipa, Kylie, Rihanna, Cher, Pink, Britney, Ariana, Jennifer, Miley, Janet, Katy, Whitney, Beyonce and you name it.
With DJs The Queer of Pop, Mr. Danserette and DJ Carsten Klein. Come early and grab the dance floor from the first minute