Remember Me - FTD Filmfestival

FTD Filmfestival
In september 2024 komt er een belangrijk internationaal medisch congres naar Amsterdam over Frontotemporale Dementie (FTD). Dat is een hersenziekte waar o.a. Bruce Willis aan lijdt. Het is na de ziekte van alzheimer de meest voorkomende ziekte die dementie veroorzaakt. Het treft met name mensen tussen de 40 en 70 jaar, relatief jong dus.
De ziekte waar Bruce Willis aan lijdt en dezelfde waar Michel aan leed is een zeldzame vorm van FTD.

Er is een scala aan films en documentaires over FTD, voor en door patiënten, familie en hun mantelzorgers. Bovendien heeft het feit dat Bruce Willis en zijn familie bewust communiceren over zijn ziekte enorm geholpen om het gesprek over FTD afgelopen jaar op gang te brengen.
Daarom het FTD Filmfestival, een ideale, laagdrempelige mogelijkheid om Amsterdammers te laten nadenken over FTD. Een film of documentaire met een inleiding en een nagesprek met medische experts, betrokkenen, nabestaanden en hulpverleners en documentairemaker(s).
Over de film - Remeber Me [let op Engelse ondertiteling]

Lukas Olszewski: What makes remember me unique?
I did not choose the story of "remember me", it had chosen me, long before I knew. Three years ago, in April 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, I was faced with the most painful situation (I would never have thought of) in my life: I had to explain my now eight year old daughter that her mother was suffering from a strange type of early-onset dementia. At the young age of 36... That there was (and still is) no cure... Except that she, a beautiful and talented musician, couldn't feel that there was anything wrong with her.
For years I had been searching for answers subconsciously, for explanations for the changes in my partner’s personality and behavior I couldn't grasp, for the root of our relationship problems that no-one could help us solve, for an affliction that is still widely unknown even amongst medical workers, but from which many people are suffering worldwide, without knowing. I learned all about that condition later.
This film is the result of my arduous personal healing process and a cry for awareness. The film is fictional, but my story is real, ongoing and universal.
What is my goal?
With my debut film "remember me" dealing with the strange and insidious disease called Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD), I want to share the unique story of a young family struck by this fate – in the hope of helping many others suffering in the dark. I hope my film helps raising awareness for FTD and thereby changing the fact that most patients go for many years without a diagnosis. Too many people are living with the daily trauma of seeing their loved ones change before their eyes, with medical staff being just as baffled as they are. I want families to get help sooner, and for them to be able to access full support from the moment of diagnosis.
I am really looking forward to talking to you about my film.
Het FTD Filmfestival is een samenwerking van diverse instellingen en organisaties uit Amsterdam en de regio:
Alzheimercentrum Amsterdam
Amsterdam UMC
Cinema Amstelveen
FC Hyena
Rialto de Pijp
Gemeente Amstelveen
Mantelzorg & Meer

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