subbacultcha | Cement #5 | Adriaan de Roover & Karmen Ponikvar

Cement #5 w/ Adriaan de Roover (live A/V) & Karmen Ponikvar
4 September |
20.00 - 12,- (+ 0,60 service costs) | Free for members
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End your summer with a social meditation, consisting of Adriaan de Roover’s live A/V presentation of Other Roomsand Karmen Ponikvar’s live iteration of fragmented and hyperrealistic sounds. The evening will be held in what was originally Amsterdam’s oldest cinema, turned socialist anarchist theatre, turned experimental venue for music, poetry and plays.Brussels-based musician Adriaan de Roover has been forging a singular path in electronic music. De Roover’s works integrate acoustic and electronic sources into amorphous, indefinably textured shapes, creating microscopic landscapes that at times resemble alien transmissions, and often bloom into harmonic panoramas at a moment’s notice. Other Rooms is Adriaan’s second solo album and released through Dauw imprint, which is also the home to Midori Hirano, Dylan Henner, H.Takahashi, Lieven Martens and Taylor Deupree. Stepping back from rhythm-oriented motifs, this latest work is a concise but varied collection of weightless melodies and expertly sculpted, computerized soundscapes.
Karmen Ponikvar is a Slovenian sound artist, performer, and researcher in the field of electronic and electroacoustic music. Inspired by the gift of hearing and the practice of listening, she approaches sound with searching and curious ears. Her sonic terrain, portraying the transmutation of one material into another, blends molten fragments of synthesized electronic sounds and modulated field recordings to create hyperrealistic sonic worlds. She is currently studying sound at the Institute of Sonology in The Hague, focusing her research work on microtonal sonic structures and relationships between sound, space and place.
Share your latest summer escapades with friends, and listen, together, and to each other, to kick off the year in full Amsterdam craze on Haarlemmerplein. become a member of subbacultcha

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